New Inc Entrepreneur-in-residence
How a Dating App Won the Heart of the New Museum
Dating apps don't often inspire warm, fuzzy feels from the public. And they're definitely not considered culture. But one dating app, our own homegrown Siren, has recently won the heart of the internationally recognized New Museum in New York City.
Siren's co-founders, Susie Lee and Katrina Hess, are entrepreneurs-in-residence at the New Museum's cutting-edge program, NEW INC, the first museum-led incubator program. NEW INC, now in its third year, helps mission-driven culture makers develop models of sustainable social impact. NEW INC offers their identity, business workshops, mentors and advisors, deep network, community collaboration and way-below market value work space in the heart of the lower Eastside. Organizations and individuals apply each year from around the country, and interest in this model continues to grow.
Siren fits well in the NEW INC model, as the only feminist dating app that started as a way to create a space where women weren't harassed. It eliminated objectification when introducing yourself to a complete strangers. Siren wanted to fundamentally change how online dating worked. And it did change the game. Other dating apps like Bumble followed suit, marketing the idea that women made the first move, and Hinge just recently switched to be more 'relationship-oriented.'
But Siren's unique Questions of the Day, driven by super-cool creatives, is the only one that is dynamic, not static, that shows people's personalities over time. Siren is the only one that gives people chances to slow their roll.
Visit the New Museum's website to learn more.